Data Interpretation

Infants Found

This field below reveals the total number of infants (dead & alive) found in that state in a specific year.


Asian Centre for Human Rights has revealed that preference of son over daughter is a major reason for female infanticide.

State: Dead or Alive

Cases of abandonment and exposure may lead to death of an infant as well. Majority of infants lay dead due to it.

Parental Infanticide

Parental infanticide researchers have found that mothers are far more likely than fathers to be the perpetrator for infanticide.

Year 2017

Total Infants Found


Females Found


Dead Infants


Alive infants


Infanticide is illegal in India. Since infanticide, especially neonaticide, is often a response to an unwanted birth, preventing unwanted pregnancies through improved sex education and increased contraceptive access are advocated as ways of preventing infanticide. Increased use of contraceptives and access to safe legal abortions have greatly reduced neonaticide in many developed nations. Screening for psychiatric disorders or risk factors, and providing treatment or assistance to those at risk may help prevent infanticide.

Year 2016

Total Infants Found


Females Found


Dead Infants


Alive infants


In some countries baby hatches or safe surrender sites, safe places for a mother to anonymously leave an infant, are offered, in part to reduce the rate of infanticide. In other places, like the United States, safe-haven laws allow mothers to anonymously give infants to designated officials; they are frequently located at hospitals and police and fire stations. Typically such babies are put up for adoption, or cared for in orphanages.

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